Hey there people,
Just a little post today letting you know that things are coming along nicely with the preparations for the show.
As long as everything goes to the printers on time, you will be able to pick up a copy of Altered State, a work-in-progress demo of the first seven pages of Chimera and hopefuly the first full issue of Paperchaser!
I have also just heard that I will, once again, be attending the Bristol International Comics Convention in May 2008 where I intend to have the completed first issue of Chimera and hopefully a work-in-progess demo of the new Paperchaser.
I will try to keep you posted throughout the coming weeks and I will give you all a rundown of the events of WonderCon as soon as I can.
Until then...
May chaotic invention continue to spread!
Hey George-
It was good meeting you in the waining minutes of the WonderCon on Saturday.
I haven't yet had time to read Altered State but I'm looking forward to the story and am excited at the prospect of adding to the story from across the pond.
My glad to hear that you want to add to the story.
Many thanks for your support and I look forward to reading what you come up with.
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