Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Coming and Going of of Bristol 2008

Well the Bristol International Comics Expo has now come and gone I can quite safely say that it has been a great show with special thanks to the following people:
  •  The two Pete's of Crazy Pants, Ross Bert and his family -- these guys are true class acts and deserve all the best fortune in the future - READ THEIR COMICS TOO!
  • David Morris and Mike Allwood for fitting us into the show this year and for their continued support throughout the event.
  • Karen Berger, Bob Wayne and Eddie Berganza from DCU and VERIGO for being very patient and chatting to Fried Brain Productions.
  • Nathan Kilburn for attending the show and delivering, once again, truly great artwork in a short space of time (Dude, I promise that next time you'll have more time!)
  • And especially thanks to all of you guys who visited the stall and purchased a copy of Chimera!

Please send me any constructive criticism you may have from the comics and I sincerely look forward to seeing you again at the next show... although I'm not quite sure when that will next be...

As more artwork for the Fried Brain Productions projects becomes available, it will be uploaded ASAP.



I was chatting with a number of you guys at the show about the project and you sounded enthusiastic about the idea and the official web site will (hopefully) up and running by the end of this month with full details.
In the meantime, if you'd like to get started on some of the stories that are cooking in your brain, e-mail me and I will send you all the details about the Community Comic and the synopsis for the 6-issue through story. Then just get your stuff copy-written (send Recorded Delivery to yourself and don't open it is the cheapest and best way of doing this) and send over a synopsis to me and we'll take it from there!

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement and remember that everyone knows what a Fried Brain is like!



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